Volume 1, Issue 1

Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth

Apr. 2004, Volume 1, Issue 1

Table of Contents

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00001 Why have we failed to eradicate polio from India? by Yash Paul
Abstract:     Polio eradication is a national program in India. The Government of India through the Health Department along with the Health Departments from all the states of the country and UNICEF, supported by Rotary International and the Indian Academy of Pediatrics is conducting AFP surveillance and providing Oral Polio Vaccination (OPV). Millions of Indians are involved in this program.
     OPV has successfully eradicated polio from many parts of the world, but, it has failed to eradicate polio from India, though the deadline for polio eradication was extended from 2000 to 2002. The vaccine has failed to provide protection to many children who have developed paralytic polio even after taking ten or more doses of OPV. In some children OPV has caused paralysis—vaccine associated paralytic polio (VAPP). The number of children developing polio due to vaccine is unacceptably high. As inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is not available, even immunocompromised children are being administered OPV, adding to the high number of VAPP cases. Because of non-availability of IPV and poor potency OPV, polio cases will continue to occur and polio will not be eradicated from India. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):1–3]
00002 High incidence of shingles among children with prior chickenpox: an inadvertent consequence of the universal varicella vacciantion program? by Gary S. Goldman
Abstract:     Active surveillance for herpes zoster (HZ) was conducted during three years, 2000-2002, in a geographically distinct high desert region known as Antelope Valley, California among 53,756 children aged 1 to 9 years during which time 92 cases were reported with an estimated 50% reporting completeness based on capture-recapture methods. The ascertainment-corrected crude (population) HZ incidence rate is 114 per 100,000 person-years (184/161,268). The cumulative (2000-2002) true HZ incidence rate is 481 per 100,000 person-years based on an ascertainment-corrected 156 cases during an observation time of 32,410 person-years among children with a previous history of natural varicella. By comparison, a survey conducted among school children in the same study area with nearly 100% enumeration of HZ cases yielded an estimated crude and true HZ incidence rates of 72 and 145 cases, respectively, per 100,000 person-years in the pre-licensure era. The postulate is presented that the high crude HZ incidence among children with a previous history of natural varicella in the post-licensure period corresponds to a dramatic 70-80% decrease in varicella cases since 1995 and concomitant loss of exogenous re-exposures (boosts) that previously served to suppress the reactivation of HZ. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):4–10]
00003 Press Release: Rise in shingles cases linked to universal varicella vaccination program by Gary S. Goldman
Abstract:     The results of a new study published in the October 1, 2003, issue of the European journal Vaccine indicate that a higher than expected number of shingles cases was reported among children with a previous history of chickenpox. The rates observed approach those normally seen only in older adults. Results of the study suggest mass vaccination with varicella (chickenpox) vaccine may be responsible for this adverse effect. Complications from shingles, which is caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus that lies dormant in the body, result in about three times the number of hospitalizations and five times the number of deaths than those from chickenpox disease itself. Shingles, usually mild in children, can be severe in adults. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):11–12]
00004 Simplified lesson in capture-recapture methods and controversy regarding their epidemiological application by Gary S. Goldman
Abstract:     Capture-recapture methods, while not providing exact results, are an inexpensive approach to estimating the under-reporting of a given disease. Especially since 1980, capture-recapture has been commonly used in many surveillance and epidemiological studies. Most studies derive estimates of disease incidence rates based solely on the number of cases enumerated. These rates are typically biased low since 100% enumeration of cases is rarely achieved and more typically varies from 10% to 80%. The incidence rates in such studies are virtually uninterpretable and merely reflect the degree of reporting completeness. However, when two or more ascertainment sources are utilized to obtain reports of cases, the duplicate cases found in the ascertainment sources can be used to derive ascertainment-corrected incidence rates. It is then possible to compare results obtained in one study with that of other studies that have likewise derived ascertainment-corrected incidence rates, even though the percentage of reporting completeness may very in the different studies. When only two sources are used in capture-recapture methods, the estimate should be checked against a criterion ("gold") standard to validate the result. Public health officials were initially skeptical of application of capture-recapture methods to varicella disease due the seasonal distribution of cases; application of the method to herpes zoster cases also met with resistance due to the comparatively few cases reported. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):13–17]
00005 Adverse reactions following varicella vaccination are under-reported and may include cases of paralysis and other neurological problems by Medical Veritas Editorial Staff
Abstract:     Generally, adverse reactions to vaccines are either under-reported or not reported at all. Physicians often are under the impression that vaccines are virtually 100% safe and parents are not informed about potential serious adverse effects of vaccine. When adverse reactions occur in close proximity to vaccination, very few parents consider the event as potentially being vaccine related. With the permission of adults and caretakers of the children, several interviews involving case reports of serious adverse effects temporally associated with varicella vaccination are given below along with other peer-reviewed references discussing vaccine safety, reactions, and other complications. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):18–20]
00006 Excerpts from peer-reviewed abstracts concerning breakthrough varicella disease among vacinees and the importance of exogenous re-exposures by Medical Veritas Editorial Staff
Abstract:     When the varicella vaccine was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on March 17, 1965 cost-benefit analyses that had been previously performed concerning the universal varicella vaccination program assumed there would be no deleterious effects on the closely related herpes zoster (shingles, HZ) epidemiology and that a single dose would confer life-long immunity. Physicians debated whether or not outside or exogenous exposures to varicella played a significant role in boosting cell-mediated immunity to help suppress the reactivation of HZ. As early as 1965, Dr. Hope-Simpson suggested that the curve of increasing HZ incidence with advancing age might have some correlation to the "frequency with which the different age groups encounter cases of varicella." Several epidemiological studies in recent years have demonstrated such a correlation. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1) 21–23]
00007 Belkin's testimony to Congress concerning Hepatitis B vaccine on May 18, 1999 by Michael Belkin
Abstract:     My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of five weeks, about 15 hours after receiving her second Hepatitis B vaccine booster shot. Lyla was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would die that night. She was never ill before receiving the Hepatitis B shot that afternoon. At her final feeding that night, she was extremely agitated, noisy and feisty — and then she fell asleep suddenly and stopped breathing. The autopsy ruled out choking. The NY Medical Examiner ruled her death Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
     But the NY Medical Examiner (Dr. Persechino) neglected to mention Lyla's swollen brain or the hepatitis B vaccine in the autopsy report. The coroner spoke to my wife and me and our pediatrician (Dr. Zullo) the day of the autopsy and clearly stated that her brain was swollen. The pediatrician Dr. Zullo's notes of that conversation are "brain swollen ... not sure cause yet ... could not see how recombinant vaccine could cause problem." [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):24–2]
00008 Dunbar's testimony to Congress concerning Hepatits B vaccine on May 18, 1999 by Bonnie S. Dunbar
Abstract:     I am a research scientist and medical and graduate student professor who has worked in the areas of autoimmunity and vaccine development for over twenty five years (the past 17 years at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas). I have been in contact with numerous physicians and research scientists from several countries who have independently described identical severe reactions to the vaccine in thousands of Caucasians. Their observations have been, for the most part, denied or ignored by the public health systems, as is evidenced by the serious charges against healthcare officials and pharmaceutical companies brought recently in France. The reversal of the vaccine mandate for children in France was not based on lack of documentation. I have now been contacted personally by hundreds or more individuals (including parents of infants and children) who have reported deaths, severe health problems and life long disabilities, resulting in major medical costs following the administration of this vaccine. It appears that the adverse events related to this vaccine are within a gene pool that is capable of genetic definition. I respectfully submit that rigorous scientific studies into the possibility that the vaccine can cause severe autoimmune disorders is necessary. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):28–30]
00009 Shaken baby syndrome (SBS): general commentary by Harold E. Buttram
Abstract:     On August 16, 2003, I received the following communication from a grandmother, whose first name is Sharon, somewhat in the fashion of a desperate plea for help on behalf of her daughter, who has been accused of injuring her infant daughter by Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). As a poignant example of what I consider to be ill-advised administration of vaccines to a highly fragile and vulnerable infant, I thought that this story needs to be told, which I am now doing with the permission of the grandmother and her daughter. My response to the letter can in no way be construed as a medical report but rather as a general commentary on my observations in reviewing numerous cases of the SBS during the past 4 years. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):31–33]
00010 Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) or vaccine-induced encephalomyelitis? The study of Baby Alan by Harold E. Buttram and F. Edward Yazbak
Abstract:     In the following report Drs. Buttram and Yazbak have reviewed the case of an infant death which they believe to have been mistakenly diagnosed as shaken baby syndrome, the true cause of death in their opinions having been a vaccine-induced encephalitis. Having carefully followed the case and its developments for nearly a year, the report represents untold numbers of hours of study and investigation into the many technical parameters of the case. From this study they have come to realize that this case is representative of an emerging pattern of increasingly frequent vaccine reactions on the modern scene, which are being overlooked or misdiagnosed by our present health-care system.
     The Story of Baby Alan is a poignant one, all the more so because it is something that could happen to any young couple or parent. Although the story is necessarily technical, nevertheless the authors urge that you read it. If you are a young person contemplating having a family, it is something that could happen to you. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):34–44]
00011 Analysis of causes that led to Baby Lucas Alejandro Mullenax-Mendez' cardiac arrest and death in August-September, 2002 by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Lisa Mullenax and her husband Alejandro Mendez were accused of killing their three-and-a-half-month-old Baby Lucas by blunt force trauma to the head (Shaken Baby Syndrome). The baby suffered from cardiac arrest and apnea on August 27, 2002 and his father immediately sought the assistance of a neighbor who contacted the Medical Emergency Service (MES) asking for help. The MES resuscitated the baby, treated him with epinephrine, and transported him to the Centre Community Hospital. Lucas stayed about one hour in this hospital, and then he was airlifted to the Geisinger Medical Center. Lucas was pronounced brain dead after six days following his arrival to the Geisinger Medical Center. In the hospitals, several physicians examined Baby Lucas and no evidence of traumatic injuries to the head was observed. In addition, Lucas' head region was examined by CT scans on August 27th and no bone fracture was found. Lisa and Alejandro were accused of killing their Baby Lucas based only on the autopsy findings of an old-healed rib fracture and bleeding in the retina of the eyes, brain, and the subdural space.
     Lisa and Alejandro requested that I evaluate their case to find the factual cause(s) that led to Lucas' cardiac arrest and death. I evaluated their case by reviewing the baby's medical records and case history and the autopsy report; Lisa's medical record during her pregnancy with Lucas; and the published medical literature pertinent to Lucas' case. I used differential diagnosis to evaluate the contribution of causes and the synergistic actions among these causes that led to the baby's cardiac arrest, apnea, bleeding in the brain and other locations, and death.
     I present my review and analysis of Lisa's medical records during her pregnancy with Lucas in Section I of this report. Section II contains a detailed description of Baby Lucas' treatment history and his health problems from the time of birth on May 16, 2002 to the day of his cardiac arrest on August 27, 2002 along with my analysis of those events. In Sections III and IV, I describe the clinical events that took place during Lucas' seven days in the hospitals and my analysis of those events. My analysis of the medical examiner's autopsy report is presented in Section V. Section VI contains my conclusions and recommendations. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):45–63]
00012 Summary of highlights of scientific review of Safety Datalink information by Medical Veritas Editorial Staff
Abstract:     A meeting was convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to discuss the findings of Dr. Verstraeten relating to the positive statistical association between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. There were 51 attendees including Dr. Howe of Smith-Kline Beecham, Dr. Guess of Merck, Dr. Blum of Wyeth, and Dr. White of North American Vaccine.
     One of the concluding speakers, Dr. Clements on Page 247 concludes: "I am really concerned that we have taken off like a boat going down one arm of the mangrove swamp at high speed, when in fact there was not enough discussion really early on about which way the boat should go at all. ... I know how we handle it from here is extremely problematic. The ACIP is going to depend on comments from this group in order to move forward into policy, and I have been advised that whatever I say should not move into the policy area because that is not the point of this meeting. ... But that pure science has resulted in splitting the atom or some other process which is completely beyond the power of the scientists who did the research to control it. And what we have here is people who have, for every best reason in the world, pursued a direction of research. But there is now the point at which the research results have to be handled, and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work that has been done and through the freedom of information that will be taken by others, will be used in ways beyond the control of this group. And I am very concerned about that as I suspect it is already too late to do anything regardless of any professional body and what they say...." [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):64–67 ]
00013 The attenuated rubella virus vaccine: how public health agencies and the manufacturer thwarted post-release surveillance by Medical Veritas Editorial Staff
Abstract:     Professor of Microbiology at University of Maryland, B. G. Young, Ph.D., became interested in conducting a follow-up study of adverse vaccine effects occurring in 10,000 individuals that initially received live attenuated rubella virus vaccine (HPV-77) in 1969.
     Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman, Division of Virus and Cell Biology Research of Merck Institute of Therapeutic Research, published Live Attenuated Rubella Virus Vaccine in the 1969 Proceedings of the International Conference on Rubella Immunization held in Bethesda, Maryland at the National Institute of Health. In the summary section of that publication, he wrote, "Data file cards have been prepared on each of these children's name, address, and vaccination data so that they can be followed for their life-span for untoward effects should this be judged desirable. Adequate numbers of contact control subjects to exclude contagiousness have also been included in these studies."
     The subject data that Merck was directed to maintain as part of licensure agreements, was requested for post-surveillance study, but never released. FDA's Bureau of Biologics stated, "There is no requirement [in licensure of Merck, Sharpe and Dohme for production and marketing of live rubella virus vaccine] for follow up of these named individuals." [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):68–69]
00014 Fifty reasons to oppose fluoridation by Paul H. Connett
Abstract:     Water fluoridation is the practice of adding compounds containing fluoride to the water supply to produce a final concentration of fluoride of 1 part per million in an effort to prevent tooth decay. Trials first began in the US in 1945, but before any of these trials were complete, the practice was endorsed by the US Public Health Service in 1950. Since then fluoridation has been enthusiastically and universally promoted by US health officials as being a "safe and effective" for fighting tooth decay. However, even though most countries worldwide have not succumbed to America's enthusiasm for this practice, their teeth are just as good, if not better, than those countries that have. The "50 Reasons" offered in this article for opposing fluoridation are based on a thorough review of the scientific literature as regards both the risks and benefits of being exposed to the fluoride ion. Documentation is offered which indicates that the benefits of ingested fluoride have been exaggerated, while the numerous risks have been downplayed or ignored. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):70–80]
00015 The rationale for vaccines and potential inadvertent consequences including autism, AIDS and other epidemics by W. John Martin
Abstract:     Humans and animals can be protected from epidemic infectious diseases by prior intentional stimulation of the immune system. This process is called immunization and has been hailed as the all time greatest contribution of science to human health. Such enthusiastic endorsements, together with compulsory legislation, have helped ensure widespread public acceptance and compliance with immunization programs. Dissenting or cautionary views on potential risks of certain vaccines have been largely ignored. The vaccine industry now has annual sales in excess of $6 billion with significant liability should adverse effects be proven. Society is facing alarming increases in various types of brain damaging and other illnesses consistent with an infectious process. A role for vaccine-derived "stealth-adapted" viruses in these illnesses, as well as in the emergence of the AIDS virus has been proposed. Such issues should be addressed by full disclosure and open participation of the public and independent researchers. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):81–85]
00016 Analysis of causes that led to Toddler Alexa Marie Shearer's cardiac arrest and death in November, 1999 by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Kathleen Butcher is a 40-year-old, white woman, and the mother of five children. She was accused of, and arrested for killing Alexa Marie Shearer by vigorous shaking of the head and blunt trauma to the head and abdomen. Alexa was a 15 month old toddler, who suffered from cardiac arrest and apnea on November 16, 1999 in Kathleen's house in Howard County, Maryland. Kathleen was her daycare provider and she had cared for Alexa since she was two months old.
     Kathleen was arrested in December of 1999 based on a verbal communication between the Chief Medical Examiner for the District of Columbia, Dr. Jonathan Arden and the Howard County Police. Dr. Arden performed Alexa's autopsy on November 19, 1999. He told the police officer present at the autopsy, that Alexa's injuries and death were caused by blunt trauma to the head, and that the manner of death was homicide. In February of 2001, Kathleen was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and child abuse in the death of Alexa and sentenced to 10 years and 5 years, respectively, to serve concurrently in prison (Criminal Case No. 13-K-99-38775). Kathleen has stated that she took care of Alexa as her own child and never harmed her. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):86–116]
00017 Shaken baby syndrome or medical malpractice? by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Babies Alan, Robert, Lucas, and toddler Alexa were born at different places and times in the United States of America by different parents. However, they have many things in common: (1) vaccines and medications caused their deaths; (2) without conducting thorough medical and legal investigations, their treating physicians, medical examiners, police, and states accused their parents or caretakers of killing them; (3) based upon an erroneous theory, their innocent parents or caretakers were imprisoned for killing their children by violent shaking and blunt trauma.
     The primary objective of health care providers and the State should be to find, and then focus on, the facts. It is the duty of the medical establishment to properly investigate the causes of injuries and death of children in cases such as these in order to prevent such tragedies from occurring again. Accusing innocent parents and caretakers of abusing and killing their children based upon unsupported theory, such as SBS, will not prevent the death of another child by vaccines and inappropriate medications. However, it certainly will lead to wrongful incarceration and unimaginable suffering—psychologically to parents/caretakers, and physically to those fragile, highly sensitive children it is our duty to protect. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):117–129]
00018 Vaccine scene, 2004 update: still MMR vaccination, mercury, and aluminum by Harold E. Buttram
Abstract:     Four or five years ago there was little solid evidence on which parents could validate their suspicions that a spectrum of childhood ills, including autism, were causally related to routine childhood immunizations. This is now changing. It is the purpose of this report to review and summarize important new surveys and studies of quality which are now beginning to appear in the literature. All of these have been privately funded, as far as I am aware. None have come from the major government health agencies. Three major areas will be reviewed here: (1) documentation that there has been a real (not just the result of better diagnosis) and rapid increase in the incidence of childhood autism and other forms of neurobehavioral problems among American children, (2) evidence that the vaccine additives, mercury and aluminum, have played major roles in causing these problems, and (3) evidence showing synergistic adverse interactions between mercury/aluminum and the MMR vaccine. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):130–135]
00019 Parent Forum: Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) by Debra Grater, Dwight Davidson, Brian Herlihy, Belinda Moran, Carolyn Burke, Sharon St. Clair, and Dina Mason
Abstract:     The "Forum" is comprised of the experiences of parents and caretakers charged with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) in connection with an infant under their care. In the majority of the cases presented, the babies were premature, had pre-existing medical conditions, or had other underlying neurological conditions and thus should not have been vaccinated according to the Physicians' Desk Reference. Often, attending physicians noted no bruising and no other physical evidence to support the claim. In one case a mother experienced an unremarkable pregnancy and delivery with the infant receiving Hepatitis B vaccine less than 24 hours following birth. A month later, this parent told the pediatrician her concerns that the infant (1) was arching his back and rolling onto his side with his eyes rolling back in his head, (2) had blue hands and feet that were cold to the touch, (3) had a pale skin tone—almost white, (4) had vomited late in the afternoon, and (5) had started to fist his hands and began gnawing on them. The pediatrician failed to recognize these concerns as serious neurological problems and vaccinated the child with Tetramune (DPTH) and Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV). Within 12 days, the infant was hospitalized and CAT scans revealed extensive brain damage. In another case, a cardiopulmonary monitor graph contained no motion artifacts and the highly vulnerable infant experienced vaccine-induced encephalitis and associated retinal hemorrhages. [©Medical Veritas, 2004 Apr; 1(1):136–155]
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        Healing the Planet One Patient at a Time: A Primer in Environmental Medicine by Jozef Krop, MD 156
       Hey! Who's Having This Baby Anyway? by Breck Hawk, RN, Midwife 158
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